When St George Leagues Club at Kogarah closed down the bowling greens, the St George Leagues Lawn Bowling Club approached Moorefield Bowling and Sports Club to set up their new home at Moorefield in 2005. St George have played an active role in many of Moorefield activities from then until present day.
Sadly the majority of the original bowlers who brokered the deal with Moorefield are no longer playing but we do have new bowlers who enjoy coming along each week and playing on the excellent greens. The pleasing fact despite the disruptions this year an average of 31 players each week on the green is very encouraging.
St George bowlers take pride in the unique way of raising funds, which are collected i.e., loose change, from bowlers who contribute very generously on a weekly basis towards the Children’s Ward at St George Hospital. The funds collected are matched annually on a $ 4 $ basis by our bowling club.
Our bowls Club is associated with Royal NSW Bowls and registered as a social club having a fully functioning and hard working committee under the auspices of St George Leagues Sports Council.
St George Leagues Bowling Club 2021/22 Committee
President | Richard Carroll |
Vice President | John Dunn & Peter Black |
Secretary | Pat Horner |
Treasurer | Frank Dannaher |
Bowls Secretary | Sue Hall |
Committee | Juan Mujica, Norma Kurth, Wendy Blatchford, Peter Grossett, Lee Egizii, Graeme Edwards, Rita Carroll. |

Bowls Every Wednesday
Visitors Welcome
Mixed Format
12:30 for 1PM Start
Green Fees: $12
For those intending to play please contact either Moorefield Bowling Club (9587 6299) or the St George Leagues Bowls Secretary on 0474 810 379 before 12:30pm on the day for a 1pm start.
Bowls Secretary: Sue Hall: 0474 810 379
Locked Bag 1500
Ramsgate PO