Francis Drake Bowling Club


Francis Drake Bowling Club was established in 1948 and operated from its premises and greens in Barton St, Monterey NSW. In 2007 the Club merged with Ramsgate RSL Club with its assets, including land and buildings forming part of the merged club. Under the merger agreement, Francis Drake Club, including its lawn bowls,  was to continue to operate separately from the Ramsgate Club. However, on 14th March 2014, the Administrator of Ramsgate RSL closed Francis Drake Bowling Club, with all bowling activities being transferred to the Ramsgate greens. The Francis Drake site was subsequently sold. In December 2014 Francis Drake Men’s Bowling Club was no longer provided with the use of the Ramsgate greens, so in January 2015 it moved to the Moorefield Club where it was welcome and has conducted its Thursday bowls since.

Francis Drake is registered with Bowls NSW as a Bowling Combination with around 70 Members, with an average of 42 bowlers playing each week

Club Champions

2023M. SamuttD. AngeloneL. EgiziiL.Earle
2022B.GreenW. KeighranB.ThickR.Higham
2021J.KingW. ConstanzoK.HeisterR.Pomana
2020C.Camilleri P.WhiteleyL.SpowartR.Higham
2019G.SiddinsP.BugdenM.Bartolo C. Rowe
2017G.SiddinsS.GaborB.Green R.Menzies
2016 (Triples)-
2015 (Triples)G.WilsonS.Trevitt-M.Bartolo

Bowls Every Thursday

At Moorefield Bowlo

Visitors Welcome

1PM Start

Green Fees: $12

Committee 2023/24

Ron Austin

Vice President:
Richard Carroll

Pat Bugden: 0413 052 501

Ian Rodgers

Charles Camillleri
Graeme Edwards
Cliff Waltham
Don Fletcher


Life Members

Ron Austin
Pat Bugden
Rick Asbury
Ian Rodgers